Meeting Facilitation

We facilitate strategic meetings on a rhythmic cadence for leadership teams to define, discuss, debate and decide on priorities, resource allocation, and agreed courses of action.  The 1:1 Executive Coaching work feeds into vigorous and productive working session that align and inspire…

Organizational life includes lots and lots of meetings.  These required communions are often full of inefficiencies and opportunities.  We facilitate strategic meetings with leadership and extended leadership teams within your rhythm of business, so your brain power can be applied to the challenges at hand and not on the art of holding the meeting space.  We co-design these meetings to address the most relevant and pressing topics, as well as tie together the developmental content of high performance teams and leaders.  These quarterly events help to define, discuss, debate and decide on priorities, resource allocation, and agreed courses of action for the upcoming cycle time.  The 1:1 Executive Coaching work we do with individuals enable more vigorous debate and productive working sessions that align, inspire and synchronize leadership teams, which in turn sets the direction of the organization.